Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Members Members Everywhere!

Not that we are complaining though!

The club fair proved to be sucessful again this year, as 110 students expressed interest in joining FUEMS. The numbers that are coming to crew nights is hovering somewhere in the vicinity of 50, but that number appears to be risiging towards 60 as the weeks go on.

As usual, we continue to hold 4 crew nights, once a week, over the span of a month, on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the office at 8pm. So far we have covered the ever thrilling OSHA video and tonight we went over basic first aid. Next week we will be covering CPR and the following week will be "the attendant class" where we will go over important policies, procedures, how to take vital signs, and how to prepare for the first shift, and ambulance operations.

With just about all of our 20 new EMTs retunring this year, shifts are filling up quickly and everyone is on thier way to becoming cleared as crew chiefs. We never thought we'd actually see the day that people were fighting to sign up for shifts.

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